2010年3月25日 星期四

install gnuplot on MAC


在 MAC上安裝 gnuplot 之外必須還要在安裝一項 AquaTerm 來輸出結果。

stap 1. download AquaTerm v1.0.1
click on "AquaTerm.dmg"
step 2. open Terminal type :
"cd /usr/local/lib/"
"sudo ln -s libaquaterm.1.0.1.dylib libaquaterm.1.0.0.dylib"
ernter your password

再來就是gnuplot 的部份:
there are two way to install gnuplot :

step 3. download gnuplot 4.0.0.dmg
install this , and follow the installation step to the end.

the other way to install is :
step 3. download gnuplot-4.4.0.tar.gz
unzip this file
step 4. open Terminal to where you download the gnuplot file.
4-1 . type "./configure" enter it
4-2. "make"
4-3. "sudo make install" and type your password.

check gnuplot :

step 5. type "gnuplot"

step 6. "set term aqua"

step 7. "plot sin(x)"


